Roads Uncharted

S5 E10: A Shift in Attitude

Episode Summary

The party rests in a barn while Amara struggles with her conscience.

Episode Notes

The road has become a river from the flood and the party must follow alongside it. Slowly they trudge, pushing through the late hours as the water begins to die down. Eventually, the flooding ends and the group is left with a sopping wet, muddy road. Near midnight, they spy a few buildings off in the distance. Rou asks if Amara is feeling any exhaustion, since Eight never did and always kept watch. It is revealed that Amara is similar to Eight in that she feels no need for sleep or food. They offer to catalog the gear while the other two rest.

They follow a pathway up to the nearest structure and realize it’s a home, and the rest of the structures are barns and sheds. As they draw close the door opens and the farmer confronts them, but Trix is able to convince the farmer to let them stay rather than continue on the road toward the Greywater Inn a few hours south. Amara sets up a fire to help dry out the cart and clothing, but before bed the trio put their heads together to plot out their next steps. After Trix and Rou fall asleep, Amara experiences a moment of doubt.

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